Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years!

Well hello there! It's January 3rd of 2012 and this is my first post on a blog I created last April. I'm really movin' here. Oy!

I have a few goals for this blog. Would you like to hear them? Ok good!
1: Post photos of crafty stuff that I'm doing.
2: Share my soap chronicles with you.
3: Share new recipes and foody stuff with you.
4: Um I think that's all but I reserve the right to add to or take from the list as I please. I wish you could see the sky here right now. It looks like my favorite scarf. It's all light blues and grays with a little cream mixed in. Last year at this time I was in the midst of an invitro cycle and I needed something to knit. I had some Lorna's Laces Lion and Lamb (in a colorway I don't remember) in my stash. I found a lovely pattern on ravelry called Saroyan. (I know it's possible to link back to the pattern but I haven't figured out how to do it on my iPad yet.) Anyway, it took me a couple of months to knit it but once it was done it just sat in my craft room. I didn't have the heart to finish it. Our invitro did not go as planned and I didn't want to think about it or be reminded of it by my beautiful scarf. This fall I decided it was time to finish it and put it in the gift box. It will be going to my stepmom who lives in Alaska. Shhh don't tell her! It will be nice to see it go to someone who can use it and love it as much as I do. Once I figure out how to add pictures from my iPad and do all the linky things I will update this post. I have a lovely picture of the sky and my scarf. Sincerely, Basil Betty

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Look a new blog! Just wait till you see what I have planned for this one. It's pretty exciting!! (note all the exclamation points!!!)